Indonesia Austria Scholarship Programme | Kuliah Kelas Karyawan Indonesia

Indonesia Austria Scholarship Programme

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Indonesia Austria Scholarship Programme

fb4e8ab710Based on the Agreement between the Indonesian Ministry of Education and the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research and the agreement between the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (DIKTI) and the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD-GmbH) in cooperation with ASEA-UNINET; scholarships for Indonesian students at Austrian universities for the academic year 2014/2015 are hereby announced.
Scholarship details

Country of origin: Indonesia

Target country: Austria

Area of study or research: all areas

Target group: Prospective lecturers or lecturers of a university in Indonesia (postgraduates) who are qualified for a Doctoral/PhD programme in Austria

Maximum age: 35 years or maximum 5 years after graduating from a master course whichever applies

Authority awarding grant: The OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF) and DIKTI

Duration: 36 months

Quota: up to 20 new scholarships per study year


Grant benefit paid:

1. monthly grant rate €1000

2. Accident and health insurance, accommodation

  • if necessary, the OeAD-GmbH will take out an accident and health insurance on behalf of the grant recipient.
  • The OeAD-GmbH will endeavor to provide accommodation (student hall of residence or flat) if desired by scholarship holders. Monthly costs: EUR 220 to EUR 470 (depending on how much comfort the scholarship holder wants). The costs for insurance and accommodation have to be paid out of the grant by the scholarship holder.

3. Travel costs subsidy (for arrival and departure) will be paid by Indonesian authority


Application form


Where to submit your complete application:

OeAD – Programme Manager
Mag. Tuan Trieu HA, Bakk
[email protected]


The following documents have to be submitted:
– Application form

– Letter of acknowledgement from a supervisor of the Austrian host (“Betreuungszusage”) (Without an acknowledgement from a supervisor of the Austrian host University the application will not be considered)

– Description of study project/thesis (2-4 pages, title, content, methodology, time table) which has been agreed on with the future supervisor in Austria.

– One letter of recommendation by the supervisor (no specific form required: it must contain the letterhead, date and signature of the supervisor recommending the applicant and the stamp of the university/department and must not be older than six months at the time of application.)

– Scan of passport (Page with name and photo) – Scan of transcripts and graduation certificates of former studies (Diploma, Bachelor, Master, PhD or Doctoral studies)

– Good knowledge of English and/or German for the respective study programme in Austria has to be proved. (TOEFL 500 points or IELTS 5.5 points)

Incomplete applications as well as those not complying with the specific conditions will not take part in the selection process!!


Selection procedure:
Selection through an Austrian-Indonesian board of experts. The nomination of the Austrian representatives within this board is performed by ASEA-UNINET.

After submission of the documents to the OeAD-GmbH, preselected candidates will be invited to an Interview in Indonesia. Nominated candidates apply for admission in an Austrian university with the support of the OeAD-GmbH. At the same time they have to submit a second application to DIKTI on (for permanent lecturers) or (for prospective lecturers). The final decision about the scholarship award will be made after successful admission to an Austrian University.
Closing date for applications: Feb 1st 2014 (possible to change)
For further information please contact: Mr. Tuan Trieu Ha ([email protected])


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